
How to prevent yourself from excessive heat exhaustion !

How to prevent yourself from excessive heat exhaustion 

Excessive heat exposure can lead to heat exhaustion (mild –moderate condition) and heat stroke (serious condition). 


1.Heat exhaustion: Muscle cramps, headache , dizziness, heavy sweating and excessive fatigue 

2.Heat stroke: High grade fever, altered mental state and vomiting
Common Cause 

1.Strenuous physical activity in extremely hot and humid environment for long periods

1.Heat exhaustion should be managed early to avoid heat stroke

2.Heat exhaustion can be prevented by increasing fluid intake before, during and after strenuous physical activity. 

3.It is best to avoid plain water , instead add salt and sugar to the water ( or ORS )

First Aid 

1.Take the patient out of the heat, give water (with salt or sugar) and cool the patient. 

2.Evaporative cooling : Includes removing the clothing, spraying the body with lukewarm water and lying down under fan

3.Conductive cooling : Involves cold water bath or applying ice packs on groin, axilla and neck

4.If person has high grade fever and vomiting (Heat Stroke) seek immediate medical help. Avoid fluids, aspirin or paracetamol.

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