
How to keep winter care of your heart

How to keep winter care of your heart

In the winter cold has become stronger with the increase in heart patients Problems. Doctors say in the winter than in normal times, several times the risk of Hart attack raises.

In the winter of concentrated blood circulation in the body cannot properly. The heart patients need to take precautions. The first attack came within five hours or more before the patient should receive treatment. To attack a second time and the third time in four should get treatment within three hours.

Generally it is seen that patients come to the hospital to take one and a half hours and often not aware of this when it takes several hours.

Doctors say in the winter to avoid heart disease for at least two hours of regular exercise. Try to keep in control of body weight. Eat Vegetarian, green vegetables, plenty of salads. Can eat three times, but keep control.

Wear warm clothes in winter, he said, do not be reduced blood pressure. Make regular checks, the doctor is difficult to reach. Winter is loose bowels, so take light meals. Avoid eating junk food or greasy food.

People who have inherited the problem of diabetes, they should immediately take control of your weight. Fasting levels of diabetes and after meals under 110 should be below 180. It is up to the doctor for advice.

Patients with high blood pressure have a higher risk of heart attack, brain hemorrhage can occur. Patients with high blood pressure after the age of 40 must provide a blood pressure check. Normal blood pressure should be 120/80. The risk is increased above 150/90.

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